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Pantherophis bairdi (YARROW, 1880)

(ex. Elaphe bairdi)

Nome scientifico:
Pantherophis bairdi (Yarrow 1880)

Nome comune:
Baird's Rat Snake

Coluber bairdi YARROW 1880
Elaphe obsoleta bairdi DOWLING 1952
Elaphe bairdi CONANT & COLLINS 1991
Elaphe bairdi LINER 1994
Elaphe bairdi SCHULZ 1996
Elaphe bairdi BURBRINK 2001
Pantherophis bairdi UTIGER et al. 2002
Pantherophis bairdi SCHMIDT 2004
Elaphe bairdi NOACK 2004
Pantherophis bairdi MATTISON 2007
Pituophis bairdi BURBRINK 2007
Scotophis bairdi COLLINS & TAGGART 2008
Pantherophis bairdi PYRON & BURBRINK 2009

Area di distribuzione:
USA (Texas centrale e sud-occidentale) a sud sino al Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas)



Strettamente correlata a Pantherophis obsoletus.



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